The Hat Lady UK
Boutique British Milliner 
"Affordable, luxury and stylish hats that will give you all the confidence you need on that special day."

About me.

I live in a tiny beautiful little village in Nottinghamshire with my husband, my dog Mac and my gorgeous retired horses Bono Daisy and  her daughter Paula who’s nickname is hooligan as she is always into mischief.

I have loved making things since a little girl. I made clothes and many fancy dress costumes for my children as they were growing up.

My passion has always been hats bags and shoes. What women doesn’t like them.

But I love designing and making hats match outfits my husband tells me I’m obsessed but I say I’m passionate, but maybe he is right I am obsessed I love making them so much.

I use Traditional millinery skills and work with my customers to offer a relaxed and friendly service in my home so bring your outfit and your shoes, have a cuppa and lets use your free one hour no obligation  consultation to design your dream hat.

 My Vision.

A staggering 206,000 + tonnes of textiles are sent to 
landfill in the UK each year.
Only 1% of textiles are successfully recycled. The rest is 
either buried or incinerated.
I source manufacturer’s remnants such as Jones, Harlequin, Voyage and Prestigious fabrics and many more.
These beautiful fabrics would go to landfill if not rescued.

Wherever possible I incorporate these fabrics into 
my hats.
My products therefore help the environment by preventing these textiles becoming another environmental statistic.

Yvonne Denise Henson

What I offer.

Hats made to order.
The Races

Choose a Colour.
Choose a brim
Choose a crown
Choose your decorations
Design your hat.

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